"I want my edited images yesterday"
The most common question I get after a photo session is, "How soon will I get my photos?"...Good question! There are lots of variables that come into play. If your photos were a result of a special promotion such as a mini-session, it is going to take 1-2 weeks. Even though it is a mini-session, I try to give the same amount of time and attention to your photos as I would if you had booked a full family, newborn, maternity or any other session. If I have several sessions to edit, I always try to get a Sneak Peek up within 1-2 days. That is a double edged sword so to speak....You get to see some of your images and then can't wait to see ALL OF THEM.
Another variable is how many people are in the photo. Trying to find that photo where everyone is looking at the camera or interacting with each other can be tricky. There is always that perfect image and then someone is looking cross-eyed or is caught with their eyes closed or squinting at the sun. This requires a more involved form of editing called "head swapping". Taking the head from one photo where the "squinty eyed person isn't squinting and placing that head into the perfect family photo. (And I bet when you see the finished image you don't even know a head swap took place - That"s the idea!)
Adjusting the exposure or adding a shaded vignette effect might be what a certain image needs to make it POP! This all takes time. While you are asking " I want my edited photos yesterday," my family is asking,
" Are you STILL editing photos?"
These two collages of these adorable boys are examples of just a few editing styles I use. These images are black and white and sepia samples of how an image can be changed with just a few adjustments in Lightroom and Photoshop.
An image may call for a "sunburst" or other highlighting technique to really bring the subjects out in the image....
Editing images is a CREATIVE PROCESS that I take pride in. So sit back, relax and know that I am working to bring you images that you will enjoy looking at for a lifetime!